Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My last day at home...

was wonderful! In the morning I walked around Heart's Haven taking random pictures. I will miss it so :)

A pear from our tree :) (duh)
My mountain

Mom and Maddenlyn were brushing and cleaning Strider's coat. Ricca came for a visit and sat in the shade with them.

Strider - the happy woofie

The bell by our back door.




The Garden and Chicken coop

My pretty new car next to "Beauty"

the lovely antique sleigh bed (it was my great-grandfather's) that I am using while at school

My dad and Garrett fixed it up--
Thank you, Papa!
Thank you, Garrett!
And Thank you, Dan, for the wood!


Clare said...


But, at the same time, how exciting!! I've still got another two days to go, and I'm going to follow your example and take pictures here and there of all the things I want to remember. If we end of moving I'll never be coming back here in quite the same way.

Miss Anne said...

oh, poor Clare!

Chari...writing on the wrong name!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE photo #6. I'm trying to picture how you took that. :-D We will miss seeing you around our neck of the woods, but you are going to have so much fun. Enjoy every minute of it!


Miss Anne said...

For the dandylion pictures, i just put my camera very close to the plants, and pointed it upwards. It was a blind effort, and it was exciting to see how they turned out.

I will certainly miss seeing everyone! Fortunetly, I will be back for special events, likt the 4th of July :)

The school year will be very enjoyable. I am so looking forward to the whole experience. I hope the school year goes well for your family too.

Take Care!