Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another Sunny Day on the Coast...

We awoke at six am (except for Sarah, who didn't want to leave the comfort of her sleeping bag) and drove to a local bird area to watch the geese take off on their daily expeditions. The official sight was closed, so we drove on a dusty little country road to the back, and stood shivering in the stillness while the sun came up. Unfortunately, all the geese must have been sleeping at the opposite end of the park. We did see them, in breathtakingly large masses, but they were rather far away. There were times when the geese formed dark clouds on the horizon. It was beautiful, but looked as I had imagined the pestilences descending upon Egypt. Anyway, the sounds, and smells, and sights of the morning made it worth sacrificing a bit of sleep. Just as the sun rose, a herd of cows on a nearby hill began a chorus of noise. We also saw ducks, and pelicans, and great blue herons.

this is a mild verson of what we saw live

Later in the day, we drove to Fern Canyon. Having never been there in spring before (our usually visits are Oct/Nov) it came as quite a shock. The sweet little stream that meanders down the center of the canyon was more a river, gushing powerfully from wall to wall. All the quaint bridges had been removed for the season. So unfortunately, we weren't able to walk through the canyon fully, though we did a great deal of wading (I think my feet might still be numb!). When we finally decided upon the path as our course of choice, we had to squish through mud several inches deep. Needless to say, everything was wet, green, and lush. Garret was crossing a particularly deep section, and his foot got caught. He then fell full length into the Icy water. Malachy got similarly doused. He was trying to jump over a small side stream, but didn't quite make the other side, poor fellow. His pants were then so heavy that it took all his energy (and not always successfully) to keep them from falling off. During the day's adventure, we saw elk, wildflowers, mushrooms, and many gorgeous views of the ocean. I think everyone is slightly worn out :)

Somehow the abundance of these signs makes me is like arriving in Yellowstone and seeing the poster of a visitor being gored by a bison....................

Uncle Steve told us about this great road, with splendid views. It was spectacular. He forgot to mention, however, that the road was still under construction, and there were steep cliffs, and one way lanes....Gulp.

Now how does that work?

These were so cute!

We found dry land!!!!!

I wish we had brought rubber boots....

Malachy found this darling little daisy, and brought it to me. Naturally mom was standing nearby with the camera. Malachy is so sweet about that sort of thing. One of my mom's friends calls the little treasures her children bring her from the outdoors "Dandelion Offerings." I have always found that terminology appealing.

It is a part of this world.....but not entirely.....

Beatrice Potter would have felt compelled to stop and sketch this specimen.

What promise of spring!

The Inseparable Six
(inseparable in spirit, at least)

The road, and the thick foliage, is so enchanted. It seems just as 'pretend' as a ride at Disneyland.

"Did everyone read the sign.......Garrett? Malachy??"

One of many

Oh, for glorious sunshiny days......

....near the beach *Sigh*


Willa said...

Those are beautiful pictures, Miss Anne! That area is #1 on Brendan's wish list of travel destinations.... and I can see why....

Clare said...

I would have been tempted to stay curled up in warmth and comfort like Sarah... just for the record, m'dear, if ever an opportunity for viewing dawn beauty comes up on one of our get-togethers, don't take 'no' from me for an answer... *force* me to get up. ;)

*sigh* So beautiful...

Anonymous said...

Not being a morning person, I probably would have stayed with Sarah, too. But I am glad someone was around to take photos! :-D

We were on the coast during our honeymoon and got caught crossing a stream on the beach. My jeans were soaked and once we got back, the dampness made my legs itchy as heck. It was a really pleasant experience (sarcasm). But still fun.


Unknown said...

I love the picture of you all silhouetted against the light morning sky. It's really beautiful! Too bad Matthew wasn't completely silhouetted too! Then it would have been perfect!

I'd be right next to Sarah... snoozing! Teehee

Love ya!