Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Rationing of Kisses

Malachy, now seven-years-old, is a very different creature from Malachy-at-four, or Malachy-at-six. He was such a snuggly little fellow, and on many occasions would put his dirty little hands around our necks, and cover our faces with ferocious kisses, to the point where we called for mercy.

However, he has reached a point in his life where he feels kisses are just too unmanly. But his sisters and mother are slow to agree with him, so he has devised a plan.

His plan runs thus: if he establishes the routine that each family member may have one kiss in the morning, and one kiss in the evening (and by kiss, he means holding out his cheek in tolerant disdain) then he will appease our silly whims, without his character being completely marred.

As his older sister, who used to cover his soft baby face with kisses, this takes some getting used to. For now, when I bend down and brush my lips across his fuzzy head, I hear him say "You realize that counts as your evening kiss, and you have no more left today."

Oh well......

At least I know he still loves me. About three weeks ago, just after school got out, he nestled next to me on the couch. With a sad face, he told me he was going on a trip to visit our relatives for Christmas. I smiled, and said "Of course. I'm coming too!" His eyes grew very wide, then very happy. "You! You're coming with us?" he asked. Then he told me he was happy to go after all! So Cute.

Riding his bike at a campground near Crater Lake


Clare said...

Paddy is just starting to enter that stage. He'll have days when he's okay with kisses, and other days when it's not just 'cool' enough.


In the past, my poor dear Anne, we always had another little one to replace the one who thought he was too old, and we were never short of kisses. Now they grow up and there aren't any babies following them. :(

Mackenzie said...

OOOH! I feel as though I've been punched in the stomach! How can he be 7???? He's a baby! Cuddled up to your mom, nursing on the couch in my mother's living room! I KNOW it!! :( Max wouldn't dare consider entering that stage...we would boycott him and kiss him until he gave up. ;) We are so lucky thought to be surrounded by our own sweet babies and nieces! Although the little man here is pulling himself up on everything and the Little Miss Zoey over at Zac and Heather's is now walking. :( *sigh*...I suppose it is time for a new one...oh my, whatever will I do when there are more of them?? lol Thank goodness babies come with a 9 month "heads up"!

JEN said...

I thought he started that a couple of years ago? It's the curse of being a younger brother!!!

But, Hudson does this when we're at school. He doesn't want me to kiss him or tell him I love him, even when it's just us in my office. I do it anyway, if it's just us. I won't embarass him outside the office. I miss my love bug!!! I miss my little Malachy!