Sunday, February 24, 2008

Grand Entrance, the second...

Well now,

It hasn't quite been a year since I began my blog. I shall again attempt this, and hope that a second effort proves less futile. I had the fantasy that summer would provide many blogging opportunities. However, a two-month "star-spangled adventure" across the beautiful US monopolized my time. Then, when we finally returned home, rehearsals and performances of Beauty and the Beast were immediately underway--the duties of which continued three weeks into the school year. Once school began, I had very little time between essays and speeches, for writing for mere pleasure. This is an unhealthy state for me though, and I simply must write down the musings, mutterings, and moments of daily life. Thus continues (I hope) the blogging life of Miss Anne....

1 comment:

JEN said...

Don't worry, have you seen mine? =)

It's better to be busy and not blog, right?

Love you,
Aunt JEN